Friday, 21 December 2012

A little bit of Theo on everybody's mantlepiece.

Later than they were meant to be, but here at last. Theo has been slaving over a hot paintbrush throughout December, creating unique cards for everybody on his list.

Some have been designed with a few simple swipes of the brush - others have been given more saturation of paint. Either way, nobody else will have anything like it!

(He's available for commissions, by the way.)

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Theo's range of Christmas cards, coming soon!

Theo has begun work on his personal range of Christmas cards - each unique, and adding a splash of colour to mantlepieces the country over. Watch this space!

A commission, at last!

I recently sent the link for this website to a dear friend of mine. He appreciates art, so Theo's pictures were a great delight to him. Obviously. He also set Theo his first commission; requesting a bespoke piece that could adorn his wall, and make him a huge profit when Theo becomes famous (in whatever capacity; he may turn out to be 'Theo, the fastest binman in the West' for all we know...).

Theo was not in the painting mood for a few days after my friend and I spoke, but then the muse struck him and he was off. This was his creation - it speaks to me of the Far East, but I'll leave you to make up your own mind...